Friday, May 29, 2015

"Motion se hi emotion" or "Pupu misses her poop"

The last post talks about me visiting Dr Kathleen with a twisted knee post Zumba. That happened a month and a half back.

A lot has happened since then. In short after meeting Dr Kathleen and then Dr H and then getting an MRI and then meeting Dr H and then meeting Dr M, I finally got my knee surgery done last Tuesday that is 26thMay 2015. The medical system in the U.S. is crazy and complicated and is like navigating through a treacherous maze. I also had to sign about 8 different agreements before I got the surgery and also got asked 7 times if I have a living will. If I don't would I like to get in touch with someone who can help me draw a draft. Let me just say that hearing that I need a living will right before a knee surgery is not what keeps my spirits up.

The day of the surgery I actually flew in a red-eye from Portland. One of my biggest fears during the surgery was that I would not go completely down under or I would wake up in the middle of the surgery. I made my fears  known very strongly and I guess I was given anesthesia accordingly. I did not wake up at all. Moreover the pain killers that were pumped into me made me just simply pass out from time to time. I am eating yogurt and I would pass out with the spoon in my hand. I would pass out with cheese sticks inside my mouth. I would switch on the TV with all intentions of watching something and yes just simply pass out. I would wake up and tell ASP that she and VP are part of a Charlie Chaplin movie and pass out again.

As highly annoying as that was it was not even as frustrating as what I am going through right now. My poop has vanished. There is no poop coming out of my system. And today is the 4th day. It is not even like I feel bloated or constipated. I am eating more than my 14,000 calories a day because of all the meds but still no poop. I could not eat hot or spicy stuff for the last three days but now I can start I am guessing. As I am sipping my glass of prune juice I am hoping that something will work its magic. Some super effective remedy will present itself sooner or later. If nothing works I will call KB and talk to her till something comes out.

At this point all I can say is that "Pupu misses her poop".


  1. Shyte! I just saw this. You should TOWTALLY have called me. Trust in the P-connection, yo.

  2. We should open a potty facebook. Where we can regulalry just post statuses about poop. I often feel the need to share my frustration re no poop, or elation re greta poop. In fact, there is no information about me that I feel a greater need to share. Yet, zalim duniya, I have to keep my poop feelings to myself.
